OK, this is a little self-indulgent, but so is this whole site, really. Here's how I classify myself in a bunch of sorting systems!
Terra Ignota Hive: Gordian
Dragaeran House: Hawk
Temper vices: duplicity, doubt, lechery
D&D alignment: neutral evil
Myers-Briggs: INTJ, maybe?
Gender: female
Pokemon elements: Water/Psychic
Favored deity from the Greek pantheon: Aphrodite
Hogwarts House: I'm trans
Chess piece: bishop
Love language: words of affirmation
Order of Knights Radiant: Lightweaver
Brillist set: 11-3-3-14-14-6-2-10
Magic: The Gathering colors: blue/green
Do you have a sorting system you'd like to see me add to this page? Let me know using my contact page.